上品で落ち着きのある銀色オフィスの備品管理にオススメ。メーカー型番:SM36XCテープ色:銀文字色:黒ラベル幅:36mmIt is refined and is recommended for the equipment management of the silver office with the presence of mind. A maker model number: SM36XC A tape color: Silver A letter color: Black Label width: 36mm
上品で落ち着きのある銀色オフィスの備品管理にオススメ。メーカー型番:SM36XCテープ色:銀文字色:黒ラベル幅:36mmIt is refined and is recommended for the equipment management of the silver office with the presence of mind.
A maker model number: SM36XC
A tape color: Silver
A letter color: Black
Label width: 36mm